I probably won't be able to remember it all but I'll try!
The week after this was a really hard one for me.
Grades were slipping, and family drama.
On Friday (July 16), I drove to Utah to spend the weekend with my family! Right when I got to my dads, I left for a girls night with my sisters and mom :)
My mom, Mia, Bre, and I went and saw the new twilight movie "Eclipse", and then went to Costa Vida.
The next day was my nephew (Connor)'s birthday party!
We went swimming at some place in North Ogden and it was WAY fun! :)
That night I went to gateway and walked around for a bit.... :)
Then, Austin, Trever , Bre, and I went and saw Knight and Day
It was a lot of fun :)
On Sunday, I went to church, visited my Aunt MaryLynn, ate lunch with my dad and gave a dang good family home evening, visited my grandparents, then went to my moms for dinner.
Then I hit the road back to Idaho :(
Monday I got sick at work... awesome.
Things at my apartment were hard...
My roommates were stressed with finals and moving out and such
So everyone was pretty moody.
She went back to Michigan :(
I made it a quick goodbye cuz I knew I'd get emotional.
I packed all my stuff that day and that totally sucked.
Friday my mom came up to help me move to my new apartment, Tuscany.
We cleaned my room, did my cleaning check, packed a ton, and loaded up our cars.
But being me, we couldn't fit all my stuff into our cars...
We had to take two more trips haha
We stayed in Idaho Falls and it was nice :)
I haven't stayed in a hotel for like 4 years and I forgot how much I love them haha
We went to Chilli's for dinner and by the time we got to the hotel we were both exhausted.
Saturday morning we woke up, checked out of the hotel, and went to IHOP for breakfast (my favorite!)
Then we drove to Rexburg to move into my new apartment!
It's super nice but guess what?!
I'm here by myself!!!
I don't have roommates for the 7 week summer break.
It's been pretty interesting.
It's really quiet but its nice being able to do what I want. I just hope when fall comes things with my roommates will be okay.
I still have quite a bit to do but I'll get it done.
I decided I'm going to get another full time job to pay for stuff.
I really wanna make it on my own.
Well that's been my life lately.
Over and Out