Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fourth of July

Holy Moses I have a lot to write about!
I probably won't go into great detail about everything because let's face it people, I do have a life... kind of :)

FRIDAY: Packed things up, and got a call from my good friend Cory saying he was in town.

So I met up with him and Jessica at her house and visited for a while.

Then Jess and I went and picked up Rulon Hirschi (good friend) and headed towards Utah.

In Malad Rulon had us stop and try these drinks called Iron Ports... they were weird but good lol We weren't sure what was in them though...

Super tired from driving!

Drinking Iron Ports!

Once we got home my brother Austin and his friend Jeff took me to my favorite restraunt Robintinos... yummm...
After dinner we went and saw "Grown Ups" at the Gateway. It was super funny :)

Got ready for the day and picked up Jessica.
We went to Old Navy and got shirts for Stadium of Fire.

Then there was some drama about stuff but this is a happy blog so we won't mention that :)
We went to my family swim party

I love my nieces :) Don't mind Lexi's hand...haha

Then we left with my brother Trever and his wife Bre for Stadium of Fire.

When we got there the gates didn't open for another couple hours so we walked around all the booths and tents that were set up.

We really liked this chicken...

They had a karaoke one and I decided to try it! It was really scary...

Soon they started letting people in, so Trever and Bre went in while Jess and I waited for Nique and Hollie.

We found our seats and soon it started.

Nique, Hollie, Jessica and I!

There was a lot of stuff before Carrie Underwood went on.

The 5 Browns

The Osmonds 2nd Generation

Uh... really cool violinists :)

Some country band...

Then Carrie came out and I went crazy! lol

Like I said... I went CRAZY!

I was sad she only sang 6 songs but she busted out into "How Great Thou Art" and that was awesome!!!

Then the fireworks started and that was fun... until four fell over and went into the crowd..

Yeah that sucked.
After Stadium of Fire was over we dropped off Jess at Thanksgiving Point to see her boyfriend Tyler. They haven't seen each other in 10 weeks. It was really cute lol

I got to hang with Kira and that was great :)
Got up freakin early and went to my moms to get ready for our run.
We went to Layton High (gag) and ran a 5k which was a lot of fun!

Me, Mia, and Mom

I'm very proud of myself for running this. The first mile was the hardest and luckily my knee didn't hurt too bad.

Tracy, mom, me, and Mia

Tracy, Mom, me, Mia, and Laura

After the run we went to my moms and had breakfast.
Then I went home and slept, packed, got a blessing from my dad, and went back to my moms.
I looked through old picture albums and played the game of Life with Trever and Bre.
Then the rest of the family came over and we ate lots of food and played outside in the water with the kids.

I left to pick up Rulon and we headed home.
Woke up and couldn't move. Seriouly.
I was so worried about my knee during the run that I didn't even think about my back. Oops.
So I stayed in bed, miserable.
Then I got a massage and decided I needed to be productive and got lots of stuff done.
I stayed up until about 3 am getting stuff done actually...

Well, not really. kind of..
I knew if I went to basketball, regardless of how I felt, I would play.
But I don't want to mess up my knee or back so I didn't go.
I got up and started being productive again when I checked my email.
I had an email from my history professor letting me know I wasn't going to pass his class.
epic FAIL.
So I called my dad to let him know and well... I won't repeat the things he said to me...
Let's just say the phone call ended with us yelling at each other and me sobbing.
The typical phone call with my dad nonetheless.
I was trying to figure out what I should do... crying... worrying... basically freaking out and having a total break down.
But I'm doing much better now :)
I love my life :)

1 comment:

  1. Lisa:

    Yep, I have a whole section for her haha

    It's been a lot easier of a week with her.

    It seems like she has to deal with a lot of emotional stuff when Kyle's gone :(

    But she deals with it!!!! :)

    She's helping me with a present cause she's awesome but don't tell anyone, Don't want her getting a big head if she reads this :)

    The closeness makes the heart grow fonder :)

    I love her.


    I used the "L" word.

    I'm in love!! I'm in love!!! But not like that!!

    Gotta love Lisa cause she's amazing.

    You almost forgot to put this part in your post, don't worry, I did it for you :)

