Monday, September 20, 2010

It's The Little Things

Alright, so a lot has happened since I last posted.
My mom got engaged :) Super happy for her.
Labor Day with my family was fun.
Since that weekend, I've learned SO much about myself.
I've discovered my faults, as well as my better qualities.
I've discovered those who I truly love, and how blessed I am.

My 5 major faults:

My 5 major better qualities:
Trying my hardest
Not giving up

I also found that you don't really understand, comprehend, appreciate, and possibly fully love something or someone until you've lost, or almost lost it, or them.
I don't know how I got so blessed...

I've realized, I don't need money, a nice house, nice things, or anything of that sort.
Love, and the gospel, is already more than I could ever want and appreciate.

From last night until forever, I am making 3 public promises to myself and anyone else who's willing to hear (or in this case read) them.
I promise I will always try my best to be positive in all things and aspects.
I promise I will always try my best to put others first.
I promise I will always try my best to love with all my heart.

I would never change anything about my past, who I've become, and where I'm going.

I love my life.

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