Monday, December 6, 2010

Last Kiss

It's amazing to me how much someone can grow in such little time...
In my last post I mentioned an ex of mine that I was pretty serious with.
For a while, I've refused to talk about it with anyone...
But now I look at where I am and almost want to cry because of how far I've come..

It's crazy for me to look back on my old relationship.
Because I honestly remember very little of it.
Unfortunately, I tend to repress memories, whether good or bad.

I haven't had my facebook for a reason...
However the other day I was looking at pictures on my camera and ran across a picture of he and I from back then.
And it was so weird because it was like I didn't even recognize him or even remember the event when that picture was taken...

There's a song by Taylor Swift called "Last Kiss" that always reminds me of him.
And yet rather than crying, I can't help but smile.

Not just this relationship, but all of mine that I've been through have been such blessings for me.
I've learned so much about myself through every one of them and am so grateful for the hurt I had to go through.
Sometimes I wonder how in the world Heavenly Father trusts me and loves me so much.

All of the wonderful young men that I have dated and gotten to grow close to will never know how thankful I am for them.

Of course all relationships have their regrets and the things I wish I could have done differently.
But I've just realized lately how grateful I am for the lessons I've learned with dating.

So for any "ex" that's reading this, thank you.
Thanks for putting up with me.
And for making me the person I am today.
Whether we talk or not, or you think I'm crazy or not,
Thank You.

I've always been the kind of girl that's liked to stay friends with my ex's.
And sometimes it's so hard to look back and remember certain young men who are completely out of my life now.
But no matter what, I will always be grateful :)


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