Sunday, December 5, 2010


To start off this post, I have a pretty interesting story to tell, and a goal that I will keep in mind this coming semester.
Once upon a time, I was going to get married.
Weird, I know.
This ex of mine and I went to Idaho Falls to Kay Jewelers to pick out my ring.
The guy that helped us at the time was also a student at BYU-Idaho and was talking to my ex about payment options. He continued to tell us how he was paying for his soon to be fiance's ring...blah blah blah.
Well, obviously I'm not married and that relationship didn't work out.
My roommates and I had a little mall trip this past weekend and I wanted to show them the beautiful ring that was almost mine.
While there, this same guy came out and crazy enough, he remembered me.
He asked me my name, I asked his and I asked how engaged life was.
And he just stared at me....
Then told me his relationship didn't work out.
I smiled and started laughing and said "Hey! Mine either!!"
He apologized for my breakup and I again just laughed and said it was okay.
So... this guy is single...I'm single....he obviously was saving up for a ring... the possibilities are endless :)
We finished our flirty chat and my roommates and I went on our way to Sears.
Then my roommates tried to convince me to get his number.
Well, being me I chickened out.
And I'm kind of mad at myself for it...however this weekend we have to go to the mall again... hmmm.... :)

So my goal for this coming semester is to stop being such a chicken! Rejection sucks but hey, that's life! :)

My life has been a roller coaster lately.
However, my goal since Thanksgiving is to be ridiculously optimistic.
For example,
  • I got laid off from my job in Idaho Falls as a CNA...I was so upset because I LOVED that job and couldn't figure out why I had to face this trial.But I've continued to be optimistic and realized that it was out of my control and nothing good will happen by being sad.
  • I got a speeding ticket on the way back to Idaho...My insurance is now so high that you'd probably faint if I told you the amount I get to pay a month. I was upset that I was speeding, and upset that I got a ticket. But it happened. And again, nothing good would come from being upset. So I turned up my music, jammed out while driving, and went the speed limit the rest of the way home.
  • A guy that told me he's had interest in me for years asked me to give him a chance, so I did, and then once he realized he had me, he gave me the "Let's just be friends" line. I trusted him, and believed him, and being a girl was a little hurt. But it's his loss and that just means there's someone better than him out there for me :)
  • I love dating and socializing. But it seems like when all you want to do is be single and figure things out for yourself, guys come knocking at my door wanting more than friendship and inside i'm screaming "I'm not ready to date again!" but I'm a girl of risk and chance. I went on a date Friday night...amazing! It was SOOO much fun! Then last night, I couldn't get my car to start... ugh. There were only three guys I could think of to call that would know how to start it. An ex that wants nothing to do with me (long long long story), the guy that's 'liked me for years' (bull crap), and the guy I went out with the night before. So I called the guy I went out with and he came and helped me out. So sweet! We hung out after but here's where the crappy part comes in. Apparently I'm out of dating practice... because he didn't get a positive reaction from me. :( BUT, I HAVE to be optimistic... so here it goes: I had two nights of sooo much fun! (we played in the snow for like an hour and I haven't had that much fun and laughed like that with a guy ina LONG time), I learned that I'm out of practice so I need to get better at dating, he made me feel like my old happy, outgoing self again :), and I know that he'll always be a great friend :)

I feel like I'm doing pretty well at being optimistic :)

On Friday afternoon, my roommates and I went to Idaho Falls to get a little shopping done. I didn't buy anything, but I had lots of fun!!

Kristina and Becca (Bubba and Becca Cakes)

Megan and I (Megatron and Hollywood)

There was one thing this week that honestly helped me more than anything.
My sister's friend, Kathryn is 26 and just got engaged.
And I admire her SO much!
I emailed her a while ago letting her know how amazing I thought she was and how scared I was to get old and not be married like all of my friends.
But since her email, my views have changed completely.
I'm SO excited to possibly go on a mission, graduate college, and travel. :)

Well, that's all I have for today :)
Another week ahead of me :)


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