Sunday, December 19, 2010


Wow, life has been crazy lately!
I'm currently at my mom's house for Christmas break.
Let me give you a quick little rundown of what's been going on in my life.

Work. Boys. Roommates. Moving. Friends.

Work- going great! Loving my job, making good money, good hours... super fun!
Boys- :) So... my roommates and I had to go to the mall again :) :)
I have to give you this whole story haha
So, the guy at Kay Jewelers (Derek) was working when we got to the mall.
Of course I wanted any excuse to talk to him.
So my awesome roommate Kristina pretended like she was going to be getting engaged soon and wanted to look at rings :)
Derek asked what happened with my old relationship and I simply told him it ended very unexpectedly and that they guy I was dating just didn't feel right about it anymore.
I asked why his relationship ended and he gave me his reasons.
I then asked him if he was dating anyone... he said no.
He asked if I was dating anyone... I told him a couple dates here and there, but nothing TOO serious.
We finished our conversation and quickly headed on our way.
I was a little upset for not getting his number again but there wasn't really a good moment to.

My roommates and I proceeded on our mall adventure to Dillards.
We decided to look at some bedding when I found the CUTEST ROXY bedding!
Let me just tell you, I'm a HUGE ROXY girl!
And Roxy bedding is super hard to find!
And it's super expensive!
the bedding I found was not only an 8 piece set, but it was the exact colors to match everything I already have and was 70% off!!!!
It was originally $260 but I purchased it for only $60!!!
I was one HAPPY girl!!!

Because I was on this happy high, I decided I had nothing to lose.
I went back to Kay Jewelers by myself and luckily Derek was the only one not helping a customer.
He had a smile on his face when he saw me and I said
"Hey, I normally don't ever do this but... would you maybe wanna hang out sometime?"...
His response?
"Yeah! I'm glad you came back in! I was gonna ask you out but you left in such a hurry!"
That's how it's done ladies and gentleman lol

We hung out the next night playing catch phrase with my roommates and some friends,
and then hung out again Tuesday night playing Call of Duty and watching Deja Vu.
He's an awesome friend and I'm really glad I had the guts to go back and get his number.

I've been dating some other guys too but as of right now I'm just still super confused about some stuff and am just enjoying dating.
A mission is still on my mind a lot and I figure if something is supposed to happen with a guy, it will :)

So I had amazing roommates this past semester!
And saying goodbye to them was really hard!
But luckily the last couple weeks of school we all got to hang out more and get even closer!
I love those girls!

My mom came up on Friday and helped me clean and move my stuff to my Aunt and Uncle's house in Rigby.
Then we headed back to Utah where I'll be staying for the next two weeks.
When I go back to Rexburg I'll be back in my new apartment and Lisa will be there!! yay!

Rule #1-if you have plans with somebody, don't blow them off!
Rule #2- if you have plans with somebody, don't go hang out with somebody else you know is going to bother the original person.
Rule #3- if you have plans with somebody, don't think everything will be alright when you tell them you can't hang out with them because they're hanging out with an old friend who hates your guts for no apparent reason at all and then say "I'm not gonna get in the middle of it".
Oh honey, you've already gotten in the middle of it! Especially when this other friend hasn't been a friend at all.... to anyone!
Okay, venting about that is done :)

For this break, I have some fun plans!
When I got here Friday, I went to a ward Christmas party, then played the Wii with my brother in law Mike.
Today my mom and I went shopping for super cute boots that Santa will be giving me Christmas morning!

I got these ones in black!

I got these ones in brown!

Then we went to walmart, I went shopping with my brother Austin, we went to a family Christmas party (super fun! Austin and I played basketball practically the WHOLE time!), and we went and saw Harry Potter!
Tomorrow I will be sleeping. After church. Maybe.
Monday I'm leaving with my sister, brother in law, and three kids to go to our Condo in Midway :) We'll be having dinner with my uncle, aunt, and cousin who are visiting from Tennessee and we'll be spending the night! yay! (I LOVE going to the condo!)
Tuesday my family and I are going tubing in Park City!
Wednesday and Thursday.... no idea.
Friday: Hang out at Gma and Gpa Woods, Christmas Eve dinner at moms!
Saturday: Presents at moms, hang at Gma and Gpa woods, wii all day baby!
Sunday: Church, lunch, open presents from dad and debb.... sleep!

That's all I got so far.

I'm dying my hair back to blonde sometime that week too! yay!

I have some pics I need to put up on here... maybe later lol
Well, that's all I have for now!


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