Friday, November 5, 2010

Mysteries Unsolved..

*insert huge sigh of relief here*

My life lately has been the biggest blessing in disguise.
And I'm so grateful for it.

I'm the kind of girl that distances herself when life starts getting a little bumpy.
I've lost some great friends in the last month for so many different reasons.
And I honestly hope that one day they'll come back into my life eventually.

This last week has been so confusing.
I've been filled with heartbreak, comfort, anger, love, and pretty much any other emotion you can think of.
I've been wondering why I let myself get into a certain situation.
And then it hit me while I was sitting in the temple parking lot tonight.
I learned another lesson.

I've sat here and wondered why all of my friends an classmates are getting married.
A while ago, I actually thought I was going to be one of them soon.
I wondered why Heavenly Father would let those thughts come into my head and let me feel those feeings so strong.
Here's where the lesson comes in:
I had those thoughts and feelings so that when they were suddenly broken off...
I would realize what I DON'T and DO want in a future husband.
And I've been thinking about a mission...
If I would've gotten married... how could I KNOW that a mission is 100% right for me and KNOW that it's what I want and what I'm supposed to do? :)

Yep, that's right.
Although I'm scared, I'm so grateful that I've had my heart broken to realize that I'm not supposed to give my heart to anybody else but Heavenly Father.

Of course I miss the benefits of being in a relationship but I know when someone isn't treating me the way I deserve. And I also know from experience that I need to follow the spirit.

My life is changing :)
In so many GOOD ways!
I'm so excited for school to start!
I get to be social and learn and Lisa will be back!!

I can't wait for my life to be flipped upside down with happiness and goodness :)
And I'm even happier that it started today :)


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