Tuesday, June 29, 2010

busy, busy, busy

My life right now is.... perfect :)
Okay, so I'm really stressed and barely have time to breathe but..
I love it :)

As of lately, my life has consisted of late nights, long talks, lots of smiling, and pure amazingness.
Along with work, school, homework, friends, family...

Work is going well.. I'll be starting full time in about a month.
We'll see how that goes.
School could be going better. But no worries, I'm stepping it up.
Homework.... HA yeah, I'm stepping that up too.
Friends :)
Man I LOVE my friends!
I don't know what I would've done lately without Lisa and Kira!
They seriously are my best friends and help me through so so much!
I don't know how they put up with me, but I'm SO glad that they do :)
I know Kira is missing me, and I know Lisa is missing Michigan.
And yet, even with their worries they have time for me.
I couldn't ask for better :)
Family is going well.. nothing out of the ordinary.
I've talked to my brothers a lot this week and that's been nice.

Well, that's all for now folks :)

I love my life :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Permagrin :)

SOOO much has happened since I last posted!
Hmmm... where should I start?

I cut my hair :)

I'm still getting used to it. It was a BIG change!

I took Jessica out for her birthday :)The Big 19!
We went and got massages at Sage Spa.

Then we went to Applebees!

My dad and his wife came to visit me today! It went a lot better than expected!

We got a bank account set up for me to use here in Idaho, checked out Tuscany (the new apartment I'll be staying in), and went to Wingers :)

They brought some of our family pictures that we took a couple weeks ago.

Here are some of my favorites :)

Debb, Dad, Austin, and I

Austin and I

All of us :)
Bre, Trever, Kayla, Tyson, Casey, Austin, Kent, Angie, Mia, Mike, Me, Maddi, Lincoln, Brad, Dad, Debb, Ashton, Dawson, Lexie, Landon, and Connor

Tever, Mia, Dad, Me, and Austin

Bre, Me, and Mia

I love my life :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

As of lately...

I should be getting ready for the day.
Don't ya just love how in every post I say "I should be...." haha
I just love blogging :)

On Saturday, my mom came up this weekend to help my grandpa in Idaho Falls with his yard.
I have the coolest friends ever and they went with me to help.
One thing that was ridiculously awesome was we were all from different states!
Jaymi-Washington, Lisa-Michigan, Jordan-California, Britt-Texas, Alethea-Colorado, me-Utah!!
Cool huh!!!
So, we did yard work and had lots of fun doing it :)
By the end of Saturday I was exhausted!

Sunday my mom, her boyfriend Tracy, and I, took my grandpa out for father's day.
I called my dad to tell him happy father's day and of course, he cried.
I mean, when you have a daughter like me, it's bound to happen :)
I'm pretty much the greatest thing since sliced bread...
and my middle name is humble :)

That's my life lately :)
Oh, I'm gonna fail Book of Mormon hahaha
Sad huh!
I'm at BYU and I'm gonna fail.
How does that even happen?!
Well... I don't know but it's gonna happen!
But I heard it's normal to fail at least one religion class while here
so... i'm just doing that early in the game haha
I should be more upset about this...
crazy enough I'm not.
I just think it's funny.
Or maybe I am upset but I'm telling myself it's funny...
I dunno.

I love my life :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

I hate satan!

This picture is the only thing giving me faith and comfort right now.
I'm supposed to be studying for a test.
But there's too much on my mind.

I hate satan.
I've always hated him but I hate him more than I ever have before right now.
We're given our free agency.
And what we choose to do with this agency is crucial.

It breaks my heart to watch those closest to me make bad choices when they KNOW what's right.
How they can be so happy and overwhelmed with the spirit and the gospel a month ago...
and now it's like they don't even care.

We all make mistakes.
And we can learn and repent from these mistakes.

But what about the mistakes that are being chosen as a way of living?...
And after this fact, what about all of the people that are being hurt because of one's choices?

I understand that we all need to do what makes us happy.
But some things are learned.

For example: people know taking drugs are bad. But after a while, it's what makes them happy.
Same with pornography, alcoholism, homosexuality, and other things like that.

I'm not judging anyone who has an addiction to these things.
I have friends that have these addictions and I still love them.

However I don't support their decisions.

My heart just hurts so much right now.
Because I really don't understand this stupid, idiotic, corrupt world.

Satan is everywhere.
Telling people that the world is right and the gospel is wrong.
He corrupts family... friends... and eternal salvation...
he makes us think that we can do whatever we want to be happy and feel good.
That we don't have to take the hard road... we can take he easy road.
His road.
I hate him.
I hate that he's caused so much pain in life.

Of course we need him so we can realize what's good.
But what about those who don't realize?...
what about those who don't care?
That get excommunicated from the church?
That are completely ruining their lives?
That don't want to be helped or don't think they need help?

I especially hate the stupid people in this world that tell others it's okay for them to be worldly.
I hate that they say "just be happy", "do what's best for you, even if that means throwing everything away you've ever known." and "Don't care what your religion thinks, they're closed minded anyways."

I'll agree most mormons are closed minded.
But now I can see why.
The world is so corrupt.
And so are the people in it.

I don't want to be like the world.
I don't want my kids to be like the world.
And it breaks my heart to watch others become like the world.

I thought that I've been a good friend...
And I know I shouldn't blame bad things happening to my loved ones on myself.
But it just makes me wonder if I could've done more.

Why do we let satan win so much?
I know that I've let him win.
And when I do he's smiling and laughing while watching me make mistakes and then suffer.
Just the thought of that makes me sick to my stomach.

One thing is for sure, I WILL NOT let him win.

I'm too strong.

I won't go to the way of the world because it's easier.

I'm so glad that I have a true testimony of the gospel and that although I suffer heartache, I can always turn to it for comfort and guidance.

The world doesn't have that. Comfort-maybe in drugs and crap like that. Guidance-some people think it might but it really doesn't. I don't care what ANYONE says. The world does not and will not ever provide the kind of guidance that the gospel does.

I'm so sick of stubborn people who refuse the gospel. I understand that maybe it's not their time yet but I don't understand how they don't realize what blessings the gosel can bring.
And the people that throw those blessings away because they want to be like the world... make me so so so so so sad.

I always thought I wanted to get out of utah and idaho as soon as I could.. to experience the "real world".
No freaking way.

I've realized that I love being this sheltered.
I need to be around this kind of atmosphere.
Because my heart can't take the stupid world.

At least not right now anyways...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Bad to fanfreakintastic

Sometimes you have a bad day.

Sometimes that bad day turns into a bad week.

Sometimes that bad week turns into a bad month.

Sometimes that bad month.... okay I won't go that far lol

But I'm pretty certain that June is my bad month.

Have you ever felt like the world is just crashing around and on you and you're like uh... HELP!!!

Yeah that's me right now.

Let me tell you about what's been happening in my life.

Friday night I did a workout video with my roommates and it made me feel awesome.

But the next day I couldn't move.

I had to work Saturday and Sunday from 2-10.

Today I had class and a group study thing.

I should be doing homework right now.

I have so so much.

Oh, and i got a speeding ticket on the way to work yesterday.

And a parking ticket today.



Not really.

I need a break.

A true vacation.


I would just like to say how much I love my best friend Kira.

I just got a text from her inviting me to lake powell with her and her family.

vacation problem solved :)

This girl is the reason I smile, the reason I freakin live and I love her!!

Any future guy in my life better be okay with her otherwise, he won't be in my future.


Okay, life is happy now!!

I'm no longer having a bad day or week or month!!!

AH!! Kira, what would I do without you?!

Be depressed, sad, um... probably die!

Fact of the day: I have the coolest, most amazing, best friend ever :)

Be jealous :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Another Lesson in Life...

Have you ever felt that heart renching feeling of loneliess?
Like no matter how many people you know care about you, it just feels like you have no one?
I don't know why, but that's what I've been feeling these past couple days.
Like everyone is so plugged into their own lives that I don't want to bother them.
I love my friends, I do.
But it's so hard when you try to talk to them on the phone and you get the "just a second" and hear the clicks of texting...
or when you try to talk to someone who's also on their laptop and starts laughing while you're in midsentence and realize they're not even paying attention to a word you're saying so you just stop talking, and they don't even notice you were talking in the first place...
or when you ask someone a question and it's silent for 5 seconds and then they say "what?" because they probably don't care what you were asking.
I know I'm guilty of doing all of these things to my friends and family.
And maybe I'm just being a cry baby.
But when I'm feeling this alone and the only thing I feel I can turn to is my scriptures, it makes me wonder what kind of friend I am.
Here I am criticizing others thinking they don't listen, or don't care, or don't have time for me.
When I probably myself haven't made an effort to listen to them, or care about them, or have
time for them.
We're all so wrapped up in our own lives. In all we have to do.
This morning I thought, I have homework to do, I wanna work out, I need to organize and clean my room...
Instead I should have thought, I'll make dinner for my roommates tonight, I'll call an old friend, things like that.
Have i mentioned that it's 5:30 and I haven't gotten hardly any homework done?
Now why is that?
Because I'm stressed and irritated at the dumbest, smallest things?
You know that saying "Take a good look in the mirror?"
Well hello there reflection, let's make a difference today.
I have a new friend named Kelsie.
And this might sound weird because we're not very close but I look up to her.
She'll probably never know it but she has changed my life.
I was having such a hard time fitting in, making friends, and being okay with me.
She invited me to hang out with her and her friends on Wednesday.
And I haven't had that much fun in a long time.
She and her friends made me feel wanted.
Like I wasn't any different. I was one of them.
She's always nice to everyone, she puts others first, she has fun in every situation, and she's very well rounded.
The other day we were talking and she said she made it a goal to say one nice thing about everyone that came into her work (jamba juice). Because earlier that day she had been complimented by a guy and it totally made her day.
I want to follow her example and do this.
It might be hard, and it might mean not thinking of me as much, but I know I'm not here to think of myself.
College is a time to find out who you are.
There's times when I'm so homesick that I cry myself to sleep.
Days where I throw in the towel and give up.
Moments where I want to scream because I have no idea where I'm going in life.
And times like now where I feel lonely, like I have no one.
But then there's times where I'm glad I'm not home because I'm growing on my own.
Days where I pick up the towel, get a little motivation, and decide to do the laundry.
Moments where I scream because I like not knowing where I'm going in life. It scares me.
And times where I realize that no matter how lonely I am, I've met new friends in college.
And the old ones may be in another state but they care about me and are still there.
If I've learned one lesson lately it's that there's opposition in all things.
I can be motivated and happy.
I just have to remember how to be.
And when I can't remember, I need to find a way to remember.
Sometimes, I say "i love my life" to try and convince myself that I really do.
But today, I can say it being 100% honest and knowing it's true.
I love my life.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Life is like a box of chocolates

Good morning boys and girls.
This report is coming from the BYU-Idaho Mckay Library.
Yes I'm supposed to be doing homework.
But... what I was afraid of happening happened.
I'm addicted... to blogging.

So, the remainder of my weekend was okay.
Saturday I had an amazingly fun time at the water park with my nephews and family.
Saturday night we had family pictures.
There's 21 of us now... yes that's right. I said 21.
One dad, one step mom, two brothers, one sister, one step sister, two step brothers, two brothers in law, two sisters in law, two nieces, and six nephews.
It wouldn't have been so bad if all the kids weren't so little. The oldest is 9 and the youngest isn't even a year yet.
But Austin and I sure had fun with it.
After pictures we had cake and ice cream for Brad's (nephew) birthday.
Needless to say, I was STARVING. So at like 9:30 Mike (brother in law), Mia (sister), Maddi (Niece), and Landon (Nephew) took a trip to Crown Burger to clog our arteries.
It was very worth it.

Sunday. Was. Awful.
You know those days when you wake up and you just hate the world?
Oh you haven't? Well, then you're not normal. Sorry :)
It was just one of those days where I really just hated everything. I cried, I yelled, all in all... I was your typical girl.
Even on the drive back up to Rexburg I was raging with anger.
But I got to sleep in my amazingly comfortable bed and Monday came.

I live for Mondays.
Sounds crazy but it's true.
Most people HATE mondays and wish they didn't exist.
If mondays didn't exist, I would die.
Ya see, I'm writing lots of missionaries right now.
Two of them have gotten permission to email me.
Kris Brockman and Ben Allen.
Kris comes home in August and will be attending BYUI... excited much? Why yes, yes I am :)
Ben will have been out for a year at the end of July.
Usually these two young men don't have much to say which is how it's supposed to be.
They tell me all their fun missionary stories and I tell them about my crazy life.
This week I don't know what I was expecting but I think I was expecting a little more.
I didn't leave my computer disappointed, but I sure wasn't satisfied haha
but then again, what girl ever is?

In Basketball I got the wind knocked out of me.
Don't worry, I survived.
There's this vicious Asian in my class who's super tall and the most aggressive guy I've ever met.
He doesn't care if you're a girl, small, or screaming... he WILL get the ball away from you.
And that's exactly what he did.
I jumped up for a rebound (which is terrifying for me considering I'm a whopping five feet, 3 inches.)
And he came out of nowhere and sent me to the ground.
He got the rebound.
And made the shot.
Go me.
But my coach did say he was proud of my aggressiveness.
Again, go me.

Work was work as usual.
We only have about 4 residents who are the same from the last time I was there.
Everyone else is new and it's really hard to get used to new residents.
But whatever, i'm adjusting.
But oh my lanta I about died at one point...
I'm doing this new thing this week where I can't have any soda. none. noda. the big goose egg.
Well in our break room we have free pepsi. Let me spell that out for you FREE PEPSI!!
It's like heaven.
I walk into a resident's room and she doesn't have one... not two... but three Pepsi's just sitting at her bedside table. And she's drinking one.
My first thought was "Grab one Alicia. Just grab one, laugh like the joker and run out of the room."
I restrained myself.
However, I may have cried just a little bit.
Hi I'm pathetic, and what's your name?
When I got home my AMAZING roommate Lisa made me a feast :)
BBQ Chicken, Corn, and Mac N Cheese.
Quite the combination eh?
So So good... :)

Now i'm in the library.
Just got done bombing a child development test.
Wanna know the best part of being in a library?
I get to check out all the cute RM's.
Wanna know the worst part about that?
They're either married, engaged, in a relationship, or won't give me the time of day.
My life rocks.
I know you wish you were me.

Friday, June 4, 2010

My Boys

Tony, me, Austin, and Jaron I at IHOP at early hours of the morning!
One last hang out with Austin!

So... there's these 4 guys that I consider mine.
These boys have been my best guy friends for about 4 years.

Austin Packer is on his mission in Italy right now.

Cory Carling leaves for his mission in about a month.

Jaron Dicks got his mission call a while ago.

Tony Budge is stickin around for a while.

Me and Cory hanging out! He looks so excited to be with me!

Since Fudge left (Austin Packer), the boys and I have kinda gone our separate ways.
It doesn't help that I live in Idaho either.
The other three have jobs, and have their own lives to worry about.
I still try to talk to them at least once a week but all of us being busy, sometimes it doesn't work out that way.

Since I don't see much of them anymore, I thought I'd write this post to let them know my appreciation for them.
I honestly couldn't have gotten through highschool and my first year of college without them.
They have been amazing friends and I love them more than they'll ever know.
I always tease them that I'll end up marrying one of them haha
And honestly, the girls that get to marry these fine gentlemen are going to be very VERY lucky!
Thanks for being here for me guys! Love ya!!!

Our final day at Layton High!

Hang out at IHOP!

Hang out at Jarons!

I have lots more pictures with these boys but couldn't find most.

Again, thanks for everything!!!

Home sweet Home

Once again, I've come home for the weekend.
Getting here was quite the adventure, if I do say so myself.
You know those drivers who are in the fast lane and no matter how much you tail gate them they just won't move?!
Drives me crazy!
And of course they're only going 5 over the speed limit. ugh.
Then you have the drivers who decide to be the good guy and let EVERYONE and their dog in when they see their signal on. Seriously?
I mean, it's good to be nice and let some in but I have places to go and people to see.
3 1/2 hour drive home... worth it?
I decided to get some Costa Vida on my way home.
Fatty deliciousness if I do say so myself.
When I got home (to my dad's house) my dad and step mom (Debb) took me out for some frozen yogurt.
Then my brother Austin and I watched "Alice in Wonderland" on his bed.
He has amazing surround sound and a HUGE tv in his room.
I'd imagine he'd have a wicked awesome bachelor pad... if he didn't live with my parents
Today I went to Austin's work and got a grand tour. He works at KSG.
I must say, it was quite interesting.
Then I went to Cutler's to get some food and visit one of my best friends Kira :)
I'm really excited to spend some time with my mom.
Usually I stay with her and I miss her a lot.
Now, let's talk about men...guys...boys.
The kind that only contact you when they want something.
They drive me nuts. Almost to insanity.
Especially the ones that say "Hey are you home this weekend....? :) "
Let me respond to you pervert.
"Yes I am, and no I will not hook up with you jerk."
Boys. who needs em'?
haha... right...
Let's address another topic: homework
The one word in the english language that I highly despise.
I honestly don't understand how people do it.
Full time school, full time work, have a relationship, and still have time to relax and stuff.
I'm only going to school part time, work part time, relationship.... ha that's funny and relax? Huh? What's that?
And yet I'm always stressed out and feel like I ALWAYS have more homework.
What's the deal?
Welcome to life Miss Wood. And how long will you be staying with us?
Oh gee, ya know, just for freaking ever!!!
I love my life :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

work, work, and more work

Let me just tell you about my day.
I woke up, went to basketball, then drove..
45 minutes to Idaho Falls for work.
As some may know, I'm a CNA.
That's right.
I wipe butts, give baths, take orders, and am on my feet the ENTIRE time.
Wanna know something crazy? Of course you do.
I LOVE my job!
Today was pretty rough just because we got like 5 new residents so the hall I cover was busy.
But hey, that's life.
When I first got to work I about had a heart attack.
Working in an old folks home.. that's a big deal.. haha
My 3 favorite residents were gone! Just my luck :(
But I found out one of them was just moved to another hall.
So I kind of, somewhat, recovered.
But then, two of my other residents who I like a TON are leaving tomorrow and saturday.
What the heck is this?
Are they trying to leave me with residents I don't like?
I shouldn't say that.
There's still quite a few who I like :)
But it still kinda bites.
One thing I hate about working is leaving when my roomates are in class,
and coming home when they're bed.
I work the 2-10 shift which sounds bad but it goes by WAY fast!
Until I come home and realize it's 11 at night and I still have 3 hours of homework to do.
And have a class at 8 in the morning...
But it's worth it.
Sore feet, sore back, tired as heck, doesn't pay too well, 45 minute drive, smelling like old people.
Okay, maybe not those things.
But it's like it's not even work!
I just like helping people, and my job makes me happy :)
Wanna know the absolute BEST part of today?!
My brother in law Kent is corporate for the company I work for so he pretty much got me the job.
I'm working today and guess who comes up behind me?!
It was the greatest surprise ever!
He's over a bunch of facilities in Idaho, Utah, Nevada, and California
So I figured he'd never really be in the facility I worked in.
But I was wrong!
It was so great!!!
All in all, it was a good day!
I just wish that 3 hours of homework could do itself...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Blogging? Seriously?

So... I decided that I should start blogging.
Because blogging is awesome. And so am I.
I'm thinking this will be more like a journal.
I'm on facebook WAY too much and I think this will keep me away from that.
They say blogging becomes addicting. Guess we'll find out :)
So just a little run-down of my life right now:
I'm a student at BYU-Idaho and love it!
I work as a CNA in Idaho Falls at a care and rehab center and... love it!
I'm planning on going into the medical field but not quite sure what degree I'd like to get yet.
That's me in a nut shell. So exciting I know. But what can I say? I'm an exciting gal :)