Tuesday, June 29, 2010

busy, busy, busy

My life right now is.... perfect :)
Okay, so I'm really stressed and barely have time to breathe but..
I love it :)

As of lately, my life has consisted of late nights, long talks, lots of smiling, and pure amazingness.
Along with work, school, homework, friends, family...

Work is going well.. I'll be starting full time in about a month.
We'll see how that goes.
School could be going better. But no worries, I'm stepping it up.
Homework.... HA yeah, I'm stepping that up too.
Friends :)
Man I LOVE my friends!
I don't know what I would've done lately without Lisa and Kira!
They seriously are my best friends and help me through so so much!
I don't know how they put up with me, but I'm SO glad that they do :)
I know Kira is missing me, and I know Lisa is missing Michigan.
And yet, even with their worries they have time for me.
I couldn't ask for better :)
Family is going well.. nothing out of the ordinary.
I've talked to my brothers a lot this week and that's been nice.

Well, that's all for now folks :)

I love my life :)

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