Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Life is like a box of chocolates

Good morning boys and girls.
This report is coming from the BYU-Idaho Mckay Library.
Yes I'm supposed to be doing homework.
But... what I was afraid of happening happened.
I'm addicted... to blogging.

So, the remainder of my weekend was okay.
Saturday I had an amazingly fun time at the water park with my nephews and family.
Saturday night we had family pictures.
There's 21 of us now... yes that's right. I said 21.
One dad, one step mom, two brothers, one sister, one step sister, two step brothers, two brothers in law, two sisters in law, two nieces, and six nephews.
It wouldn't have been so bad if all the kids weren't so little. The oldest is 9 and the youngest isn't even a year yet.
But Austin and I sure had fun with it.
After pictures we had cake and ice cream for Brad's (nephew) birthday.
Needless to say, I was STARVING. So at like 9:30 Mike (brother in law), Mia (sister), Maddi (Niece), and Landon (Nephew) took a trip to Crown Burger to clog our arteries.
It was very worth it.

Sunday. Was. Awful.
You know those days when you wake up and you just hate the world?
Oh you haven't? Well, then you're not normal. Sorry :)
It was just one of those days where I really just hated everything. I cried, I yelled, all in all... I was your typical girl.
Even on the drive back up to Rexburg I was raging with anger.
But I got to sleep in my amazingly comfortable bed and Monday came.

I live for Mondays.
Sounds crazy but it's true.
Most people HATE mondays and wish they didn't exist.
If mondays didn't exist, I would die.
Ya see, I'm writing lots of missionaries right now.
Two of them have gotten permission to email me.
Kris Brockman and Ben Allen.
Kris comes home in August and will be attending BYUI... excited much? Why yes, yes I am :)
Ben will have been out for a year at the end of July.
Usually these two young men don't have much to say which is how it's supposed to be.
They tell me all their fun missionary stories and I tell them about my crazy life.
This week I don't know what I was expecting but I think I was expecting a little more.
I didn't leave my computer disappointed, but I sure wasn't satisfied haha
but then again, what girl ever is?

In Basketball I got the wind knocked out of me.
Don't worry, I survived.
There's this vicious Asian in my class who's super tall and the most aggressive guy I've ever met.
He doesn't care if you're a girl, small, or screaming... he WILL get the ball away from you.
And that's exactly what he did.
I jumped up for a rebound (which is terrifying for me considering I'm a whopping five feet, 3 inches.)
And he came out of nowhere and sent me to the ground.
He got the rebound.
And made the shot.
Go me.
But my coach did say he was proud of my aggressiveness.
Again, go me.

Work was work as usual.
We only have about 4 residents who are the same from the last time I was there.
Everyone else is new and it's really hard to get used to new residents.
But whatever, i'm adjusting.
But oh my lanta I about died at one point...
I'm doing this new thing this week where I can't have any soda. none. noda. the big goose egg.
Well in our break room we have free pepsi. Let me spell that out for you FREE PEPSI!!
It's like heaven.
I walk into a resident's room and she doesn't have one... not two... but three Pepsi's just sitting at her bedside table. And she's drinking one.
My first thought was "Grab one Alicia. Just grab one, laugh like the joker and run out of the room."
I restrained myself.
However, I may have cried just a little bit.
Hi I'm pathetic, and what's your name?
When I got home my AMAZING roommate Lisa made me a feast :)
BBQ Chicken, Corn, and Mac N Cheese.
Quite the combination eh?
So So good... :)

Now i'm in the library.
Just got done bombing a child development test.
Wanna know the best part of being in a library?
I get to check out all the cute RM's.
Wanna know the worst part about that?
They're either married, engaged, in a relationship, or won't give me the time of day.
My life rocks.
I know you wish you were me.

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