Friday, June 4, 2010

My Boys

Tony, me, Austin, and Jaron I at IHOP at early hours of the morning!
One last hang out with Austin!

So... there's these 4 guys that I consider mine.
These boys have been my best guy friends for about 4 years.

Austin Packer is on his mission in Italy right now.

Cory Carling leaves for his mission in about a month.

Jaron Dicks got his mission call a while ago.

Tony Budge is stickin around for a while.

Me and Cory hanging out! He looks so excited to be with me!

Since Fudge left (Austin Packer), the boys and I have kinda gone our separate ways.
It doesn't help that I live in Idaho either.
The other three have jobs, and have their own lives to worry about.
I still try to talk to them at least once a week but all of us being busy, sometimes it doesn't work out that way.

Since I don't see much of them anymore, I thought I'd write this post to let them know my appreciation for them.
I honestly couldn't have gotten through highschool and my first year of college without them.
They have been amazing friends and I love them more than they'll ever know.
I always tease them that I'll end up marrying one of them haha
And honestly, the girls that get to marry these fine gentlemen are going to be very VERY lucky!
Thanks for being here for me guys! Love ya!!!

Our final day at Layton High!

Hang out at IHOP!

Hang out at Jarons!

I have lots more pictures with these boys but couldn't find most.

Again, thanks for everything!!!

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