Friday, June 4, 2010

Home sweet Home

Once again, I've come home for the weekend.
Getting here was quite the adventure, if I do say so myself.
You know those drivers who are in the fast lane and no matter how much you tail gate them they just won't move?!
Drives me crazy!
And of course they're only going 5 over the speed limit. ugh.
Then you have the drivers who decide to be the good guy and let EVERYONE and their dog in when they see their signal on. Seriously?
I mean, it's good to be nice and let some in but I have places to go and people to see.
3 1/2 hour drive home... worth it?
I decided to get some Costa Vida on my way home.
Fatty deliciousness if I do say so myself.
When I got home (to my dad's house) my dad and step mom (Debb) took me out for some frozen yogurt.
Then my brother Austin and I watched "Alice in Wonderland" on his bed.
He has amazing surround sound and a HUGE tv in his room.
I'd imagine he'd have a wicked awesome bachelor pad... if he didn't live with my parents
Today I went to Austin's work and got a grand tour. He works at KSG.
I must say, it was quite interesting.
Then I went to Cutler's to get some food and visit one of my best friends Kira :)
I'm really excited to spend some time with my mom.
Usually I stay with her and I miss her a lot.
Now, let's talk about men...guys...boys.
The kind that only contact you when they want something.
They drive me nuts. Almost to insanity.
Especially the ones that say "Hey are you home this weekend....? :) "
Let me respond to you pervert.
"Yes I am, and no I will not hook up with you jerk."
Boys. who needs em'?
haha... right...
Let's address another topic: homework
The one word in the english language that I highly despise.
I honestly don't understand how people do it.
Full time school, full time work, have a relationship, and still have time to relax and stuff.
I'm only going to school part time, work part time, relationship.... ha that's funny and relax? Huh? What's that?
And yet I'm always stressed out and feel like I ALWAYS have more homework.
What's the deal?
Welcome to life Miss Wood. And how long will you be staying with us?
Oh gee, ya know, just for freaking ever!!!
I love my life :)

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