It feels like it's been forever since I've posted!
Right now I'm at my sisters house, babysitting my two adorable nephews!
Let me tell you about what's been happening in my life :)
I've been quite the grouch lately.
Now some may say this is just how I am...
Although, I know that it's not just me.
I started a new medication about a month ago.
On Christmas night, my sweet cousin Donna and I had a wonderful talk and I told her about this medication.
We did some research and guess what?
This medication's side effects are of the devil!
And I blame all of my moodiness on it.
I seriously have been so irritable and moody.
My anxiety is going crazy and I've been freaking out over the littlest things.
Let's just say, I'm not taking that medication anymore.
My new escape has been working out at the gym.
It kills my back and knees to run but it's so worth it.
Lifting weights, biking, and running have helped me get my stress and anger out so much!
I just hope that once I get back up to Rexburg that I can keep my routine up!
Christmas was kind of a blur for me.
Although I'm very thankful for the gifts I received.
It was nice to catch up with my family.
The past week with my mom has been great.
We've hung out a lot and I even went to breakfast with my dad one day.
I did some recording, but I'm on my sister's computer so I'll have to put the videos up later.
That's been my other escape.
Playing the piano.
Holy Moses I forgot how much I loved playing.
I've finished an entire piano book of primary songs by Paul Cardall and it has been amazing to feel the spirit while I play.
I've spent the last two nights at Kira's house :)
We've watched Glee and talked a lot.
I've also gone to lunch with Jessica and talked about quite a lot.
I dyed my hair today :)
I'm back to my old blonde self!
It's gonna take some time to get used to.
I realized that when I got to Utah State and was on my own, in college, I thought I had to change.
So I dyed my hair to brown, and became something I'm not.
I was able to talk to a great man today. His name is Dr. Empy.
We talked about what's been going on in my life.
Wanna know what he told me?
He said I'm too hard on myself.
And he's right.
He said I'm trying so hard to please other people that I've completely forgotten about myself.
So my goal is to really concentrate on making myself happy.
I'm going to work out everyday.
Eat right.
Get plenty of sleep.
And stop comparing myself to others.
I only talked to him today and I'm already starting to change back to my old self.
I loved being blonde growing up, so I thought why not go back to what I want to be?
I'll put up some pictures later :)
I've really been thinking about a mission lately.
But I have so much to do to prepare.
I've been lacking in preparing so that's another goal I have.
I'm going to aim for a mission and take things a day at a time :)
As far as boys go...
I wouldn't say I've given up, I'm just not worrying about it anymore.
I know that I'm a great girl with so much potential, and when a nice guy sees that... I'll take it as it comes.
For right now, I'm going to concentrate on being happy by myself and for me :)
My mom and I talked today about one of my ex boyfriends.
I told her I couldn't figure out what I had done wrong in that relationship to make it end.
She told me that sometimes two people are great alone, but not great together.
I know that when I find the guy for me, everything will fall into place.
I'm really excited for school to start :)
I have no idea where I'm going in life.
But I've decided that's all part of the adventure :)