Monday, April 4, 2011

Winter Semester '11

I can't believe the semester is over.

It seems like it just barely started. I'm gonna try to keep this pretty short, cuz I really don't have all that much to say.

This has been one of the hardest semesters of my life.

(I think Fall semester beat it by a lot)

This week and next week I've been expecting to be especially hard.

But I decided this afternoon that I couldn't take the sadness anymore.

I went to this wonderful place.

I feel so blessed to live so close to a temple.

I sat in my car and said a prayer

. I've realized that I need to serve others.

Why am I worrying so much about myself when others are probably going through a harder time than I am?

I thought about my calling as first counselor.... How much it taught me. I'm so grateful that I was able to serve in the Relief Society. I've had some of the best roommates ever. I don't even consider them roommates. I consider them family.
I have grown so strong this semester.

I've dated like crazy,

loved like crazy,

cried like crazy,

and have been all around just good at being crazy lol

It's amazing to me how much I've changed in just a year.

Hopefully I can keep up with my blog.

But most of the time I feel like nobody reads it anyways haha

I'm excited for the new semester!

Things are starting to get better..

And even when they're not,

I tell myself,